Sunday 7 October 2018

We go tomorrow!

Tomorrow we go to Portsmouth and Monday we sail to Spain. I have loved seeing all my friends and family all summer, thank you everyone who looked after us. ❤️
The Campervan is all fixed up, it nolonger leaks a pond onto the dashboard when it rains! The electrics are nolonger ready to explode at the least provocation, it has no oil leak, when you put on full beam all the lights don't go off! 😂 It also has new oil and breaks and tyres have been checked. I short, it all works and is not eccentric.

We have lots of plans and have done lots of reading, we spent last winter in a flat in Spain. We field tested the van with a trip to Birmingham, (to see my daughter's dad) but we are now going to live in it full time and travel. We have never done this before, work and study must all be on the road! We will be on our own and must rely on each other and make friends as we go. We must learn more Spanish, and Portuguese as fast as we can, we must deal with culture differences and everyday living where you don't speak the local language.

We have picked out museums, galleries, beaches, bridges, caves and castles that we want to see, we will also need, showers, laundrettes, supermarkets and wifi!

I have been pacing round my brother's house fiddling with things and not getting any real work done.

Tim has done a brilliant job of becoming a tutor by skype not a tutor face to face and that means more future adventures are possible as well as this one.

So we go in search of life, to throw ourselves into some unfamiliar problems and joys, we go seeking education, experience, and to make chooses with our lives rather than plod the path in front!

I leave you with some of the quotes that inspired us when this whole idea was just a map on our bedroom wall!

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime". Mark Twain

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Henry David Thoreau 

"Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain."
Jack Kerouac

"There must be wide spaces in which to think, strange music to hear, odd costumes to see, and the elements to battle against. Money, nice cars, good food and a 'good job' mean nothing to me when compared to being able to possess the thought that there is a surprise over the horizon." L Ron Hubbard

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My posts are all to amuse and are fiction, sometimes inspired by my life.

 My posts are all to amuse and are fiction, sometimes inspired by my life. I often exaggerate to make things fun. All my advice is just my o...