Monday 4 September 2017

Horse and more "van cab bedroom designs"

I'm creating a drawing a day, just for the art of it, today's and yesterday's are an horse and van cab bedroom designs. These designs are for a little removable bed and curtains in the cab of a camper for my daughter if we have to get a van with no "upstairs" over cab bed. I like inventing things, I've done it all my life, only about 10% of them work really well. My mum invents things too, and both my Grandfathers perhaps it's a learned behaviour. I used to tease my mum for making crazy "Heath Robinson" things, I wanted everything manufactured and sleek. Since having my first child I imbraced the inventing things gene, the day I realised she would be safer sleeping on my bed with the bedguard I invented than the flimsy-too-short things you can get in the shops. I've included a Heath Robinson drawing so you can see what the joke is about.



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My posts are all to amuse and are fiction, sometimes inspired by my life.

 My posts are all to amuse and are fiction, sometimes inspired by my life. I often exaggerate to make things fun. All my advice is just my o...